This article starts from a scientific-speculative exercise, proposed by Profes-sor Luís Eduardo Schoueri, to examine the legal viability of defining the re-cipient of goods and services as a taxpayer of consumption tax in Brazil. It is thought that this paradigm shift in consumer taxation in Brazil would have the advantage of bringing the tax and economic perspectives of consumed income closer together, as well as improving the legal treatment given to the final consumer and suppliers of goods and services. Based on a doctrinal, jurisprudential and comparative law examination, it is concluded that the proposal is legally viable, showing how to structure the idealized proposal in our legal system.
MALPIGHI, C. C. S.; SCHOUERI, L. E.; ANDRADE, L. A. de; BRANDÃO JUNIOR, S. C. O Imposto sobre o Consumo e a Figura do Contribuinte em Uma Possível Alteração de Paradigma para a Tributação Indireta no Brasil: deslocando a Incidência da Produção para o Consumo. Revista Direito Tributário Atual, [S. l.], n. 53, p. 415–451, 2023.